Monday, February 27, 2006

Haha, I'm funny.

So I took this quiz, (courtesy of "Buh", whoever you are you're cool) and it told me this:

Your Seduction Style: Prized Object

The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get. You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them. The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase. You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away. You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance. Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!

You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors. Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for.

So true, and yet so wrong at the same time. It's when I get them that I have trouble figuring out what to do. Such a delightful plethora of issues.

Phone Flirtation or Long Range Fixation?

So I just got off the second most random phone call I have ever received. I officially do not understand men. Or maybe it's just this person. It's the middle of the work day, and he calls me just to see what I'm doing. Which would be understandable if we had like an ongoing string of conversation or a defined relationship of some kind. But this person is someone who I briefly met right before I left, went on one date with, and then figured I'd never see or hear from him again. But, in seeming defiance of all rules or reasoning, he has called me I think about three times since I've been here. Which is strange, because every time I talk to him, it's like he just called me yesterday. But we're not dating! I didn't even think he liked me. I mean sure, there was a slight part of me that hoped he would call or write for the first few days after I moved, but after a week or so I quickly forgot those hopes and moved on.

But then out of the blue he would call. And the most unnerving part is that each time there is nothing special or even really flirtatious about what he says (even though I admit I can't imagine what this person's flirtatious would be like) but it always leaves me wondering why he calls. I assumed that he would forget about me sooner than certain other persons, whose name I won't mention but who professed their deep and all-consuming love for me shortly before I left---and who less than three weeks later was as done as forty minute eggs. So why the endurance? I don't call this person, nor have I given them any indication that I need them to call me.

This begs the question, are some people actually considerate enough to call you just because? Or is there always another motive? Because of my history, I am prompted to go with the latter, but then this person's motive would still be a complete mystery regardless. What could possibly be gained by calling a girl once every three weeks or so? If he was calling me every time he thought about me, then I should be offended I think. I don't call people unless I really miss them and need to hear their voice, or unless they call me. Where here I don't think either is the case, I wonder if I'm the only one he calls. Maybe it's simply because I'm the one that got away? For some reason I'm always left wishing that I had practiced something engaging and witty to say, instead of just "how are you" and "well, I'm glad you're doing okay." But he always seems to catch me totally off guard and unprepared. But if I'm to be truly honest, I don't think I've ever really forgotten him completely. And maybe that is his only plan, strange as it seems.

So what is a girl to do? Should I give up on this person as anything other than a friend, (because surely someone who wanted to be something more would make more effort, right?) and not think anything of his random calls? Should I stop answering, and see if he truly does forget me? Yet at the same time I'm so intrigued by the idea that someone could keep me out of sight and still in mind for so long, that the thought of someone dedicated and mature enough to wait for me might not be such a bad thing to hope for. That is something I cannot afford to wish, not at this point. Maybe I should continue to expect nothing, as I have always done, until someone forces me to imagine something more.

I hate the phone when it doesn't ring. But sometimes it's worse when it does.

Friday, February 24, 2006

I Have a Dream

I am so pissed off that the spell check just deleted my entire entry. So much work down the tubes just because I don't know how to spell "Transvestite". Which, irony considered, is probably correct anyway. But now I guess I'll never know.

So anyway, I was talking about how lately I've had really freakish and intense REM cycles. This is odd, in part because I don't usually dream and also because I for one feel that nothing in my life at this point is exciting enough to inspire subconcious episodes. The mystery of it all plagues me, especially because my dreams have always entirely refused to be normal. They don't follow any patterns, and they seem to be incapable of deciding on one particular genre or theme and just staying with it. The conclusive effect tends to be all meshed together and incongruous, like a transvestite. (There it is, the abhorred mispelling that cost me my previous literation. Arrrrrr.)

Getting back to the dream thing, I haven't had a single night this past week where I haven't committed some kind of felony, beaten up something, been attacked by an evil clone of my cat, or found myself trapped in a house full of psychotic ghosts. Is this natural? Why can't I dream about nice, happy things like flying and blueberries? Or princes who come rescue me from castles? I sometimes think that my psyche is as sick as the comedy of my life.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bed is nice...

Blogging late at night is probably a bad idea for me. I'm incohesive enough when I'm awake. Is incohesive a word, or did I just make it up? Hehe, I like it. ...It's a good thing no one reads this. Holy crap my phone is ringing. Who calls at this hour? Who calls period? Wait, I just realized that I'm referring to eleven as late. I'm OLLLLD!!! That is SO sad. At least I haven't started taking calcium yet. Yet.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Medula Oblongata

You know what? I feel like a chubby crack addict. All the pounding head pain, stress, paranoia, odd cravings, and dark circles...but without the hollowed out cheeks and skeletal frame. Somehow, that really doesn't seem fair. I've been doing my best lately to be awesome, and the conclusion that I'm beginning to reach is that not only does being awesome take a lot of work, it also makes more pressure on oneself to be continually awesome, rather than allowing oneself to be awesome just now and then. Such is the curse of attempted awesomeness.

Sheeeeze. I wish someone would come and visit me, if only so I would have a slightly more pursueding reason to clean my house. I did my dishes yesterday, but I have a suspicion that it was more because of the smell than as a result of my ambition. Pursueding is bugging me. Did I spell that correctly? I can't trell if I crare anymore. I miss Rachel. And I miss dancing with Candice, who always looks like a baby doll with mad style and killer moves. I have mad style now but nobody cares. That's alright, I'm marching to my own beat. And my head only hurts when I think, so I should be okay. No thoughts. Ouch. A cheeseburger or steak would be really good right now. Ouch. Where are all my customers? Ouch.

This could potentially be a very long day.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Rock On

Ghetto Mary Kay. It'll transform your attitude.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Check up on it!

Hey, for those of you who didn't know, I actually have 2 active blogs on this site. (The Yule Blog has long since been laid to rest) there's this one, and then my chronicles of daily fare called Tales of Vail. You should check it, because usually it contains much more interesting shtuff. Also, it's a lot less tedious, I think.

Also, Rachel if you're reading this, comment so I know you are for crying out loud. I lub you.

Rachel Should Move to Vail for the Following Reasons:

Cute Kitty, Cute local boys, Swank clothes,
Fun stuff to do, Cool people, Yummy food, and ME!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The British are Coming!

Some more Brit friends: Niel and Anna

Scott McArdle and That Crazy Vero Girl

Why is it that everything (and everyone) is SOO much
hotter with an accent?


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Message for Candi.

Okay, so I've recently had occasion to reflect on the collusive impact of the many ups and downs of this crazy, f-ked up polka dance that we call "Life". It seems these days I hear a lot of people complaining (including myself) about how they're not getting what they think they want. Either they're feeling left behind by the bus (academically speaking), or they are unhappy with how they look, or maybe they feel like relationship roadkill (someone who has been philosophically run over so many times that they feel squished flat and are only worthy of scavengers), lonely, frustrated, sad, misunderstood. And I totally get that perspective, because if you've followed this blog, I probably have more reasons than most to curse my my life the past year and a lot of the people in it. But mostly myself; because deeply, everyone blames his or herself for the pain that they recieve as a result of various life occurences. In my opinion, it's our way of taking at least a bit of control for the mostly unfair crap that does happen. Because it's better to feel like a loser than a victim, right?

But what if instead of looking back and saying, "Yeah, I've been through a lot, but things are so much worse now than they were then." and thusly defeating ourselves and adding an element of despair, we could try looking at it this way. "If everything I've been through feels like nothing compared to this, then I must be getting a lot stronger." Yes, life is full of crap. At every turn, we are greeted with a new face of something ugly and probably painful that just can't wait to be our friend. But if you do yourself a favor (and I'm pointing at me, too.) and try to look back and ignore those times, you might just find that your life isn't all crap. Those times are just the bits that you are choosing to remember, out of that generally kickass and pretty damn sweet time that you call your life.

And if it helps, you might just focus on the fact that you may think you suck right now, but there are a LOT of other people who are saying, "Man, I wish I was as awesome as Candice." I know at least one.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Rant of the Week, Part Deuce

Okay, so I'm not sayin she's a gold digger...but she aint messin with no broke cracker.

Seriously, today sucked. That's the bad news. The good news is that I still have tomorrow night (I think) and plenty of pity food stowed in my condo. I had plans to go to Garf's (Karaoke bar and pool hall) tonight with Danielle and Maria, but unfortunately (again) Danielle called and dropped out last minute. Apparently, she rode herself out on her day off and had just no more energy. The other very unfortunate matter was that Maria was already gone and I, being not sure whether she was actually AT Garf's or not, couldn't go because if you're a girl and you show up alone at a bar in Vail, bad things. Well, actually anywhere that's the case. So it was too late to call my other friends (the guys) because I'm assuming they were already out. Or entirely wasted, or perhaps asleep. Anyway, so that's my story.

I'm not even going to go into the type of day I had at work. Sufficed to say, I want to cry and if my toaster worked, I would be sticking a fork in it.

This ends the depressing part of tonight's broadcast. Now for the fun part: a survey!
Would you rather:
A) Be buried in an avalanche
B) Lose yourself in debt
C) Be kidnapped by Columbian drug lords
D) Sit at home on a Friday Night?

I have a feeling that most people will pick C. All in all, it sounds like the most fun, yeah?