Friday, February 24, 2006

I Have a Dream

I am so pissed off that the spell check just deleted my entire entry. So much work down the tubes just because I don't know how to spell "Transvestite". Which, irony considered, is probably correct anyway. But now I guess I'll never know.

So anyway, I was talking about how lately I've had really freakish and intense REM cycles. This is odd, in part because I don't usually dream and also because I for one feel that nothing in my life at this point is exciting enough to inspire subconcious episodes. The mystery of it all plagues me, especially because my dreams have always entirely refused to be normal. They don't follow any patterns, and they seem to be incapable of deciding on one particular genre or theme and just staying with it. The conclusive effect tends to be all meshed together and incongruous, like a transvestite. (There it is, the abhorred mispelling that cost me my previous literation. Arrrrrr.)

Getting back to the dream thing, I haven't had a single night this past week where I haven't committed some kind of felony, beaten up something, been attacked by an evil clone of my cat, or found myself trapped in a house full of psychotic ghosts. Is this natural? Why can't I dream about nice, happy things like flying and blueberries? Or princes who come rescue me from castles? I sometimes think that my psyche is as sick as the comedy of my life.


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