Monday, January 23, 2006

Proclaimation of Emancipation

Okay, consider this my official declaration. I never want to date again. I don't care what everyone in Provo says, or how good cake can sometimes appear. I mean it. I'm done with men, if not forever, then at least for a very very long time. From now on, solo and free is what I would rather be. No more aggrivating relationship defining conversations, no more staying up well into the night beating the philosophical bush, trying to hint at but never truly express one's feelings for another. I'm sick of it. S-I-C-K. Of all of it, the whole shebang. The worrying, the insecurity, the drama, even the thrill of uncertainty that comes between the first glance and first kiss.

Yes, I am attempting (and will succeed at) what every addict inevitably needs to do to finally kick their object of obsession. I am going to quit love cold turkey. Don't think I can do it? Wehell, that's where you are going to be proven very much wrong, my friends. And make no mistake. This is not some depraved act of a chronically disappointed and depressed female who finds herself in a void of hope. No, no. This is a "Menifesto", if you will. An act of liberation from the tyranny of waiting up at night, of waiting for someone else to complete me, or make me a happier person. I will no longer be anyone's woman! I will be my own woman and a dang fabulous one at that! Women of the world, (and especially Provo) if you too find yourself weary of the game we call "Love", I invite you to join me in my act of revolution against crappy dating standards and tiresome games, against feeling lonely, against the "Timpview" snatch and grab way of life. From this day forth, I hereby declare my independance!


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