Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturday in Vayal

Okay, so last night leaving work was about the funniest thing ever. I closed alone (rocked) and then I rode the bus home. As I am sitting there, I check my messages and I find this one where a lady I have never met is railing off at me in native Spanish. At this point, I am confused. And slightly intrigued. It took me about three times listening on the noisy bus, but I finally got the gist. Basically, this woman is the RS President of the Vail branch (which is about 75% latin) whom my MOM called and told that it was my birthday, and that I would be coming to church on Sunday, etc. So this woman, Solida going to bake me a cake for my birthday.
Random? I think so.

Flashing foreward to now. I hate being in the store alone in the morning. Mostly I think, because of the guilt I feel for not doing anything. But what else can I do? I've already swiffered the floor, tried to sell things to whoever has walked in, (not many people) and have done all the opining stuff. Basically, I just think I'm not cut out for retail. At least not retail by myself. I'm perfectly capable of running outside and forcing people to come into the store when there are other people working here, but when I'm alone I just get way too self-conscious. I can't bring myself to be all "HEY!!! What's up come in here!" When no one is there to back me up. Which is why the guilt. I've seen probably a dozen people walk right by, and they all glance and keep going. Am I not hot enough? Is that it??? Maybe if I start on some delicate and time consuming task, like doing all of the inventory. That'll be sure to make people come in, according to the law of irony.
Anyway, so begins another day.


Blogger Amber said...

happy birthday. hope you had a great one.


11:48 PM  

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