Wednesday, April 05, 2006

So that's it.

I was just sitting here thinking, "Man, I am so well rounded. I have a ton of career experience, mad social skills, a great sense of humor, and amazing fashion." Then I realized something. None of that means jack if I can't share it with anyone. That thought has a tendency to totally bum me out. I mean, it's gotten to the point where I can't even rejoice over a sigularly perfect act of diabolical pranking anymore. Something's gotta happen here. It looks like it's time to work on my skills of self delusion again.
Will someone please remind me that someone as independant and self-entertained as I is much better off without a partner? Can't solo acts do just as well as any team effort, if they are spectacular enough? This spring fever is really getting me down lately. Bleh.


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