Thursday, December 01, 2005

All Work and No Dead Week Makes for Cranky BYU Students...

Okay, so I've revently been appraised of a long-standing custom which has apparently and unfortunately not yet reached BYU. What is this "dead week"??? As I understand, it is a time between having assignments due and finals week, a time in which students are generally allowed freedom from having anything due, so that they can more adequately draw breath and then commence preparation for finals. A marvelous theory, when you consider that people who are not burnt out from writing papers as well as under mucho stress will probably do better on pressurized mental examinations. What a freaking concept.
So, the pertinant question here seems to be: Why the heck hasn't this custom yet reached BYU? I mean, my goodness. It's like they've never heard of stress induced apoplexy, or the negative effects of sleep loss on the mental state of post adolescents. As far as I can tell, our equivalent of a "dead week" or the closest we have so far come, is the week before finals where almost every big paper and assignment is due (which happens to be this week, by the way) which I like to refer to as the "I wish I was dead week" or the "Somebody please shoot me or give me another Coke or both week". I suppose the first one is more concise. Anyway. Wouldn't it be nice, if the student saints could have a little breather before they are brutally attacked with the next thing?
I for one think that this should be implemented. And soon.


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