update update Update UPDATE!!!
Yo check it. This is a family business. And this is for the family who can't be with us... Ima rapper with a call who takes no crap from anyone 'sept my ballas and my homeys. What? What? Oh yeah, baby. Gangsta fo life, yo. Mm. Mm. Yea. What up peace out to ma homeys!!!
So um, yeah. I'm uh... really white I guess. So what's been up, huh? Wellll.... I still work at Los. And I'm dreading the start of school, but only because I'm going to have to work my mind really hard as well as everything else. And I have a scholarship now, so I'm going to actually have to study. Bleh. Sixteen credits and a job, hopefully. Don't tell anyone, but I'm thinking of quitting Los and trying to get a real job with more dependable hours. That way I can study every day and try to sleep a decent amount every night. I'll probably have no life but that is, I suppose, a small enough price to pay for half tuition and a shot at fame and success. Or at least a degree for the sake of randomness.
Last week, I got a chance to drive home for a few days. It was AMAZING and AWESOME. We left on Saturday and drove all through the night, which sucked after about 12 hours because we were all tired out of our minds. I drove off the road (slightly) about three times before I finally woke Ben up and made him drive for the last 20 minutes. On Sunday, we went to church with the Famdamily and a bunch of old ladies from my home ward began speculating about the possibility that either I or my brother was engaged. It might not have helped that I wore a fake ring. Mehehe. Oh, I mean...guilt. Much guilt. So then we went rafting (during which I almost drowned from my own stupidity - decided I was too cool to wear a life jacket and got dumped out during the last set of rapids. I got WORKED.) then later we went horseback riding, which was Joey and Rachel's first time... or at least, it was Joey's because Rachel was too scared of the horse. Mehehe, no I'm just kidding. She's a freaking stud. The next day the kids all went waterskiing, but I stayed home because I wanted to catch up with some of my friends. Spent most of the day helping Olivia make costumes and then sat in on a dress rehearsal of Once Upon a Mattress. Hilarious play. On Weds we went to the Oregon Coast and played all day, then we came home Thurs morning. All in all, it was waaaay fun. Alas, we had to come back and return to the working way. Siigh. But things are great anyway. Yeeeah!!!
So that's my story. How's that for an update? Or should I say, sucka on that Chris!!! Mehehe!
...Ok I don't know where that came from. Anyway, I'm going to go back to watching a scary A-- movie by myself in my apartment. Sick thrills, I know.
Peace up P-town!!!